Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why are manhole covers round?

It's a famous interview question considered anywhere from thought provoking to downright stupid by people on the receiving end. In fact, during Google or MS software engineer interview, the question occasionally asked. What's the best?

I think it's not REAL question. Interviewers don't wanna get a answer, instead they wanna to get a sense for an interview candidate's ability to think on his or her feet outside of their area of expertise. know how candidates

Well... it's sqaure.
Possible Answers here. Don't make it simple. Show your ability.

1. The cover can’t actually fall into the manhole.

2. The hole is just round.

3. Animals dig round holes, so it feels natural to humans too.

4. A circle offsets the straight lines of a city.

5. It is easier to roll the cover some distance than carry it

6. It is easier to pour hot metal into a circular mold than one with sharp corners

7. Its the most efficient use of space in consideration of the types of elements entering the hole. One could imagine reducing the circumference to a point where there is no room to move but up or down, whereas with a square there would be some air space.

8. Round manhole covers are easier to manufacture.

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